Welcome to the School of Music Student Resource Page—your one-stop hub for everything you need to succeed. Here, you’ll find essential information including the student handbook, recital booking details, news stories, upcoming events, and much more. Stay informed and make the most of your time with us as you pursue your musical degree.
Undergraduate Quick Links
To change your concentration within the School, you will need to fill out the form linked below. Once it has completed the necessary approvals, you will receive an email with the completed document.
Graduate Quick Links
Doctoral Resources
How can I track my degree progress?
You can review your degree progress using Degree Works. Degree Works is a web-based advising tool which enables students to monitor progress toward degree completion. Degree Works looks at the degree requirements of the Georgia State catalog as well as coursework and non-course milestones. It also displays transfer credits, waivers, exemptions, and academic standing.
Access instructions as well as instructional videos on how to use Degree Works.
Do all music majors have to take the Theory Placement Exam? What if I have transfer or AP credit?
Yes, all Music students will be required to take the Theory Placement exam, even if they have completed coursework in theory. This is to ensure students are prepared to enter the Georgia State theory courses positioned to succeed based on their current knowledge. Credits will be evaluated for degree applicability after the exam.
Undergraduate Students
Upon admission, the student’s concentration is added to their major. Students must schedule an advisement appointment before registering for classes. During this appointment, they will receive course recommendations and review the core curriculum. After advisement, students are cleared to register for music classes and lessons. It’s recommended to meet with an advisor at least once per semester.
Advisement Contacts:
- 0-89 credit hours: University Advisement Center (404-413-2300)
- 90+ credit hours: College of the Arts Office of Academic Assistance (404-413-5855)
Placement Exams: Results from placement exams taken before the first semester will be provided by the Music faculty, along with any necessary registration adjustments. For questions, contact the Undergraduate Director, Devin Reid ([email protected]).
- Piano Proficiency Exam: Dr. Sergio Gallo ([email protected])
- Music Theory/Aural Skills Placement Exam: Dr. Abby Zhang ([email protected])
- Transfer Music Theory/Aural Skills Exam: Dr. Mark McFarland ([email protected]
I am an undergraduate student. Who is my academic advisor?
You will be advised by a professional advisor. Refer to an advisor in the University Advisement Center.
New School of Music students must schedule an advisement appointment prior to registering for classes. Students should schedule a minimum of one appointment with their advisor each semester.
Graduate Students
Advisement Contact:
After admission, students receive an advisement sheet and can schedule an appointment with the Graduate Advisor, Justin Kalin ([email protected]). They should also consult with their major area professor for course recommendations. After the initial meeting with Justin Kalin, students are advised to schedule at least one appointment per semester with their major area professor for further guidance.
Placement Exams:
The music theory placement test covers Common Practice Period music, including part-writing and analysis. To be exempt from remedial coursework (MUS 6160), students must score a C or better. MUS 6160 is only available in the Fall, and the test cannot be retaken. Students who completed an undergraduate degree at GSU within the last 7 years are exempt from the exam.
I am a graduate student. Who is my academic advisor?
Justin Kalin – [email protected], is the current Graduate Advisor and is located in the 5th floor School of Music office in the Haas Howell building.
I am a graduate student and I have credits from another institution. Can they be applied to my music degree at Georgia State?
Up to 6 hours of transfer work may be applied to a master’s degree in the School of Music. Please contact either the Director of Graduate Studies or the Graduate Advisor in the School of Music for a request form that will need to be completed to review the potential transfer credit.
- Registration Adjustments: The School of Music will not approve registration adjustments (late adds, drops, changes of instructor, etc.) after the second week of classes, except in extenuating circumstances. Adjustments made after Registrar’s deadlines will incur late fees. Students must finalize their schedules within the first 10 days of classes to avoid negative impacts on their programs, credits, and grades.
- Time Overrides: Students may not register for classes with overlapping times. In exceptional cases where class times are concurrent (e.g., one class ends at 1:00 and another starts at 1:00), students may request a time override from the faculty involved. Overrides are not granted for convenience or to expedite graduation.
How do I register for classes?
You will register for classes using your PAWS account. Video instructions on how to register.
I received a registration error, what should I do?
If you’ve received a registration error and don’t know what it means, please review this registration error list.
The above list will explain what the error is and how it can be resolved.
If I don’t major in Music, can I still register for music classes?
Most courses with either the MUS or MTM prefix have a major restriction that only allows registration for those majoring in the School of Music. If you are a non-major who has completed the appropriate prerequisites, you can request an override to register for a course using the Non-Major Authorization Request Form below. Overrides are only granted at the discretion of the instructor and if space permits.
We encourage all students interested in making music to consider joining one of our large ensembles (more information can be found here: or registering for an MUA course!
If a class is full, can I be added to the waitlist?
Yes, most of our courses have a waitlist function in which you can add yourself to the waitlist in the event a course is a capacity. Please review this link for more information regarding University Waitlists.
How do I receive an override so I can register for a course?
Students who need an override to register must submit the override request using the portal in PAWS. The requests will be reviewed and processed by the School of Music office.
How do I remove a hold on my account?
There are many kinds of Holds and they are each managed by different areas of the University. If you’re unsure of what the hold is or who to contact, please review this list.
I’m a GSU-62 Student interested in taking music courses but am not interested in pursuing a degree. How can I register for courses?
All information regarding the GSU-62 program and the School of Music can be found on this page.
Attendance and grading policies are primarily determined by individual faculty members. Students should consult course syllabi, the appropriate catalog (Undergraduate or Graduate), and the semester Schedule of Classes on the Georgia State University website for details on attendance, grading, and academic honesty policies.
Attendance and grading policies are determined by individual faculty members within the School of Music. Students should refer to course syllabi, the relevant catalogs (Undergraduate or Graduate), and the semester Schedule of Classes on the Georgia State University Website for information on these policies, including academic honesty.
The School of Music strictly follows university policies on academic honesty, covering issues such as unauthorized cooperation on assignments, dishonesty during testing, and plagiarism.
The use of cell phones during music classes is strictly prohibited.
Incomplete Grades:
- A grade of “I” (Incomplete) is given only when most of the coursework has been completed and the student is unable to finish the rest due to non-academic reasons beyond their control (e.g., final report, applied jury). This grade must be converted to a letter grade within the next two semesters, or it will automatically become an “F.”
- Students must initiate an Incomplete form, which requires signatures from the student, instructor, and director. Graduates should submit the form to the Graduate Director, Dr. Lara Dahl. Undergraduates should submit it to the Undergraduate Director, Prof. Devin Reid.
Withdrawal Policies:
- A grade of “W” (withdrawal) is possible only before the semester’s midpoint. Withdrawals after the midpoint will automatically result in a grade of “WF,” which counts as an “F” in the GPA.
- Students may drop classes during the first week using GOSOLAR; drops do not count against the allowed six “W”s for undergraduates.
- Failure to attend class or lessons in the first two weeks may result in being dropped by the instructor without prior notice, and the School of Music will not reinstate such students. Afterward, insufficient progress can lead to a “W” grade.
Undergraduate Students
- Applied Music Lessons: Receiving an “F” or “WF” in applied music lessons for more than one semester in their principal performing medium becomes ineligible for further applied music study.
- Specific Courses: An “F” or “WF” in any of the following courses for more than one semester makes a student ineligible to enroll again:
- Theory: MUS 1430, 1440, 1450, 1540, 1550, 2440, 2450, 2540, 2550
- Class Piano: MUS 1710, 1720, 2710, 2720
- Ensembles: MUS 1060-1090 (including 3000 and 7000 levels)
- Music History and Literature: MUS 4800, 4810
- Grades: A “C-” is the lowest acceptable grade for most courses. Certain music education courses require a “B” to progress.
Graduate Students
- Grades:
- Graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. If the GPA falls below 3.0, the student will receive a scholastic warning and must raise the GPA to 3.0 within 18 hours of graded coursework or the next three consecutive terms. Failure to do so, or to meet specific academic performance standards, may result in termination from the degree program.
- A “B-” is the lowest acceptable grade for graduate degree credit.
Undergraduate Students
Full-Time Enrollment:
Students must enroll in at least 12 credit hours per semester to be considered full-time. Some students may take core courses in the summer to focus on music courses during fall and spring. Plan your course schedule carefully and check course availability and prerequisites, as the projected schedule is a guide, not a guarantee.
Qualifying Examinations for Admission to Concentration:
- Timing: Must be taken during the second semester of the sophomore year or equivalent.
- Music Education, Composition, or Music Technology: Includes an interview with faculty, possibly a performance demonstration, or a portfolio submission for composition students.
- Performance or Jazz Studies: Includes the Rising Junior Examination or the applied jury for the second semester of the sophomore year (or the fourth semester of study).
Proficiencies in Keyboard, Guitar, and Voice:
- Keyboard Proficiency: All undergraduate music majors must demonstrate proficiency through piano classes. Students whose principal instrument is piano or organ should complete MUS 4360, Advanced Keyboard Skills, and consult with piano faculty.
- Voice and Guitar: Music education students must demonstrate proficiency in voice and guitar at least two semesters before student teaching. Consult with your faculty advisor for specific requirements.
Graduate Students
Full-Time Enrollment:
Students must enroll in at least 9 semester hours. Half-time status requires a minimum of 4.5 semester hours. International students with F or J visas must meet the full-time requirement defined by the Department of Homeland Security.
Consequences of Not Maintaining Full-Time Enrollment:
- Loss of insurance coverage under a parent/guardian’s policy.
- Non-compliance with Department of Homeland Security regulations for student visas.
- Possible loan repayment schedule for federal financial aid recipients.
- Loss of scholarships requiring full-time enrollment.
Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Students
- Requirement: Must be enrolled in at least 6 credits over any three consecutive semesters (including summer). The total enrollment for the current term plus the two preceding terms must be at least 6 hours.
- Compliance Check: Enrollment status is reviewed mid-term. Students not meeting this requirement will be placed on inactive status, with pre-registrations canceled. Students will be notified via Georgia State email.
- Re-entry: Inactive students must reapply by the deadline and meet the continuous enrollment requirement to resume their program. The maximum enrollment for the re-entry term is 6 hours.
Completion-Term Enrollment Requirement:
- Students must be enrolled in the term they complete their degree requirements. If requirements are completed after the graduation deadline but before the next term begins, enrollment in the subsequent term is not required. If continuous enrollment is not met in the completion term, it must be met in the term of graduation. Students with 6 or more hours in the two preceding terms can register for 1 hour in the completion term, unless otherwise specified by their department.
All students must apply for graduation to be cleared for their degree. Check the GSU website under “Current Students/Registrar” for deadlines and procedures, which are generally early in the semester before your planned graduation semester. Failure to apply by the deadline may delay graduation. For more information, visit: GSU Graduation Information.
Graduate Students
Comprehensive Examination
The Comprehensive Exam assesses knowledge in music history, literature, analysis, performance, pedagogy, and technical issues. It consists of written and/or oral exams and may include a portfolio, depending on the degree program.
1. Performance/Pedagogy/Jazz Studies/Composition Degrees
- Committee Formation: Assemble your committee at least 6 weeks before the exam. Each committee member will provide questions 4 weeks prior.
- Deadlines: Exams must be completed by October 31 (Fall) or March 31 (Spring). Written exams should be completed by October 15 (Fall) or March 15 (Spring). Summer exams are not allowed; complete exams by April 30 for Summer graduation. Follow-up exams must be completed within 2 weeks.
- Requirements: Submit a list of repertoire and coursework to committee members. For Major Area exams, consult portfolio requirements.
2. Foundation Studies Requirements
- Faculty Assignment: Faculty will be assigned an equal portion of comprehensive exam requests. You must request faculty exam members (one from theory and one from history) for your committee.
- Completion: Ensure all portions are completed and approved signatures collected from your major area, history, and theory faculty. Submit the final comprehensive exam form to the Graduate Director.
3. Exam Format
- Exams can be oral, written, or a combination. Written exams may be followed by oral exams if necessary. Prepare to answer fluently and persuasively, without notes (except annotated scores for analysis). Written essays should be scholarly and well-cited. Supplemental exams may be required for unsatisfactory responses. If a follow-up exam is needed, it must be completed within two (2) weeks of the original exam.
Music Education Comprehensive Exam
- Committee: Comprise at least 3 faculty members, with at least one from Foundation Studies.
- Deadlines: Same as above—oral exams by October 31 (Fall) or March 31 (Spring), written exams by October 15 (Fall) or March 15 (Spring). Summer exams by April 30.
- Questions: Include research/history/literature, performance/pedagogy/technique, and music analysis. Present a cumulative paper and portfolio, following the Music Education department’s guidelines.
- Procedures: Oral exams require fluency and mastery of material; no notes allowed except an annotated score for analysis questions. Written exams should be scholarly with proper citations.
- Evaluation: Each exam category is marked as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. If a response is Unsatisfactory, a supplemental exam can be taken. If the supplemental exam is also Unsatisfactory, the entire exam fails. Follow-up exams must be completed within two weeks, and the signed Comprehensive Exam form should be submitted to the Graduate Director and Administrative Graduate Coordinator.
Cumulative Paper
The cumulative paper is a substantial research project developed with faculty guidance throughout a student’s time at GSU. It may require review by the Institutional Review Board. Students must submit the paper to the review committee one month before the oral defense. The defense includes a research poster, a PowerPoint presentation, and a Q&A session. The paper should follow a standard research format, either the Music Education department’s template or another agreed-upon format. The student and exam chair must finalize paper length, content, and format in writing (email is acceptable) by the end of the first week of the semester in which the exam is presented.
Cumulative Portfolio
Artist Certificate Recital and Portfolio
- Submit a professional portfolio to your primary instructor or Area Coordinator during your final semester. Follow the portfolio requirements.
Undergraduate Students
- Request Process: To request transfer credits, complete the Undergraduate Transfer Credit Request Form linked below. Credits will be reviewed for applicability, but substitutions are not guaranteed.
- Review Process: The Undergraduate Director reviews transfer credit requests. Students must submit syllabi for each course to check if it matches the learning outcomes of our courses. If approved, the credit will count toward degree requirements.
- Exams and Proficiency: Transfer credits for music theory or aural skills are not accepted. Instead, students must take the transfer music theory/aural skills exam. Group piano course credits are also not accepted; students must pass a piano proficiency exam.
I am an undergraduate student and I have transfer credits from another institution. Can they be applied to my music degree at Georgia State?
If you have transfer credit for a music course that is not currently being used toward a degree requirement, but you feel it may be applicable, please complete the Undergraduate Transfer Credit Request Form below. These credits will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Director of the School of Music for degree applicability. If they’re deemed equivalent to any GSU School of Music courses, our office will request your academic evaluation be updated with use of those credits. Please remember, substitutions are not guaranteed as curriculum varies at every institution.
Graduate Students
- Limits: Up to 6 semester hours of approved graduate credit from other institutions may be transferred toward a master’s degree. Up to 30 semester hours may be transferred toward a doctoral degree.
- Approval: Transfer credit must be approved by the end of the second semester in Full Graduate Status. The acceptance is not automatic and requires documentation and approval from the Director of Graduate Studies and the College. Transferred credits are subject to the time limitations on credits applicable to graduate degrees.
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Contact Us

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Office / Delivery Address
75 Poplar St
5th floor
Atlanta, GA 30303
Interim Director
Public Relations Coordinator
Undergraduate Admissions
Graduate Admissions
USPS Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3993
Atlanta, GA 30302-3993