In order to be considered, accepted students must complete the College of the Arts Scholarship Application in Academic Works (linked below). You will have had to already apply to the University to be able to create an account.
For information on non-music scholarships and financial aid please visit the Georgia State University Scholarship and Georgia State University Financial Aid pages.
Federal Work Study
Get connected with the community and earn practical experience through the community service component of the federal work study program. Students who choose to participate in this program have the opportunity to gain valuable skills, network with nonprofit leaders in Atlanta and participate in professional development sessions. For information and to apply for financial aid, contact the Office of Student Financial Services.
In order to be considered, accepted students must complete the College of the Arts Scholarship Application in Academic Works (linked below). You will have had to already apply to the University to be able to create an account.
Graduate Assistantships
Assistantships include full tuition waiver and stipends of $4,000+ ($12,000 for PhD/EdD) per year.
Graduate assistants benefit not only from financial support but also from significant leadership opportunities with the goal of developing future leaders in the arts. Awards are competitive and provide a complete tuition waiver and additional monetary stipend. Assistantships do not include mandatory student fees or health insurance. Assistantships are awarded on a yearly basis, for the fall and spring semesters of the academic year. Graduate applicants are given automatic graduate assistantship consideration, but applications to both the School of Music and Graduate Admissions must be complete to be considered. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA to be considered. Applicants are highly encouraged to submit both applications before the last audition date of each semester (mid-November and early March) for full consideration.
University Financial Aid
The Guided Path for New Graduate Degree-seeking Students
Whether you’re new to Georgia State or a returning student, you can complete your financial journey by following the five easy steps. Learn, Apply, Check, Accept, Review.
Johnny Mercer Graduate Assistantships
Graduate Assistantships for MM in Music Education – Full tuition waiver and $4,000 per year stipend.
Mercer Scholarship Foundation Flyer
Assistantships for Ph.D. Students
Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning with a concentration in Music Education Ph.D. Assistantship Opportunities>
Other Scholarships and Awards
Guide for National Award Competition. For more information, contact the Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships.
Contact Us

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Office / Delivery Address
75 Poplar St
5th floor
Atlanta, GA 30303
Interim Director
Public Relations Coordinator
Undergraduate Admissions
Graduate Admissions
USPS Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3993
Atlanta, GA 30302-3993