professor lecturing

What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

How long will it take?

The total course work typically requires two years of enrollment, including student teaching. For students holding a Bachelor of Music or Master’s degree, and who do not need the instrumental techniques courses, the program typically requires four semesters, about 33 credit hours. For those students holding a Bachelor of Arts degree, the program typically requires six semesters totaling 37+ credit hours. Following assessment of background and proficiencies, the music education faculty will plan a program of study for each admitted student. Admission to the graduate program does not assure admission to the licensure program.

Where will I take classes?
Atlanta Campus

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

  • Fall: June 1 (All concentrations)
  • Spring: November 15 (All concentrations except Conducting)
  • Summer: Does not admit

Non-degree Licensure Program in Music Education

Music Education Area Coordinator
Dr. Patrick Freer
[email protected]

The total course work typically requires two years of enrollment, including student teaching. For students holding a Bachelor of Music or Master’s degree, and who do not need the instrumental techniques courses, the program typically requires four semesters, about 33 credit hours. For those students holding a Bachelor of Arts degree, the program typically requires six semesters totaling 37+ credit hours. Following assessment of background and proficiencies, the music education faculty will plan a program of study for each admitted student. Admission to the graduate program does not assure admission to the licensure program.

The mission of the Georgia State School of Music is to preserve, promote and advance humanity’s rich and expanding tradition of artistic music-making through performance, composition, education and research in accordance with the urban and global initiatives of the university.

The graduate programs in the School of Music offer unparalleled opportunities in one of America’s most vibrant urban centers. The school enrolls about 90 students in Master of Music degree programs, Artist Certificate programs, and Ph.D. and Ed.D. programs in music education.

Students have the opportunity to work with an internationally acclaimed faculty of 40 full-time and 24 part-time faculty in concentrations such as performance, pedagogy, music education, conducting, composition and jazz studies.

Program Highlights
  • As an international city, Atlanta attracts world-renowned classical and jazz artists, guest conductors, guest soloists and composers in-residence who come to our campus and collaborate with School of Music faculty and students through masterclasses and workshops, lectures and performances.
  • The school provides graduates with real practical experience and access to employment with a broad range of prestigious arts institutions and organizations, music festivals and Atlanta music establishments.
  • School of Music notable alumni include Coy Bowles (lead guitarist with the Zac Brown Band), composer Carlos Simon (winner of the Marvin Hamlisch Film Scoring Award and $15,000 Commission from American Composers Orchestra), conductor Henry Cheng (first prize winner, Inaugural European Union Conducting Competition) and trumpeter Darren English (recognized as one of most influential young graduates to represent Georgia State having received a 2018 Global Peace Song Award for his song “Pledge of Peace.”)

Three female students walking down street

Program Details

Required University Application Materials

  • Transcript(s): Upload unofficial copies of transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended. The institution logo and your name must be present on the copies. Official transcripts will be required upon acceptance into the program.
  • Official TOEFL/IELT Scores (international applicants only): Institutional code 5251 should be used for reporting TOEFL scores.
  • Personal/Goal Statement: Please provide a statement of your educational and career goals (be as specific as possible).
  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae: Upload within the online Slate application.
  • Writing Sample: Provide a scholarly/research paper on a subject in the field of music of a level of intellectual and critical engagement appropriate to graduate-level work.
  • Letters of recommendation: 2 letters of recommendation are required. Applicants must enter the names and contact information of the 2 recommenders within the application. An electronic recommendation request will be sent to recommenders, and recommendation letters must be submitted via this request. It is strongly advised that letters of recommendation are completed before the application deadline and are written within the last year. Recommendations submitted after this date are not guaranteed to be reviewed.
  • GPA: Students considered for admission into the graduate program generally have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

School of Music Application Materials: Complete the “Start an Application” fields to view your specific application and audition requirements for the School of Music.

  • Resume/Curriculum Vitae: Upload within the online Acceptd application.

An audition is required when applying to the non-degree program leading toward teacher certification in music. The audition will be held after the application materials have been processed and before acceptance to the university. The purpose of the audition is to demonstrate evidence of the technical proficiency and musical artistry necessary to inspire young people’s study of music. It consists of four parts:

  • Perform repertoire on primary instrument or voice (between three and five minutes in duration), demonstrating the highest level of current musical ability.
  • Play “My Country ’tis of Thee” on the piano.
  • Conduct “My Country ’tis of Thee.” (The interviewers will be the performers.)
  • Sightread a simple four-part chorale on the piano.

In addition to the general requirements of the College of the Arts, the School of Music has the following requirements:

  • Applicants must hold a Bachelor of Music or Graduate degree in Music. Applicants wishing to be licensed who do not hold a bachelor’s degree in music or waivers from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission must apply either for admission to a second bachelor’s degree in music education or as post-baccalaureate students to complete the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in music education. Further information on both programs may be obtained from the Music Education Division.
  • Applicants must have at least a 3.0 undergraduate GPA.

For questions about the Non-Degree Teacher Licensure program, please contact Dr. Patrick Freer – [email protected].

Course work encompasses four areas of study:

  • Related music courses that have not been previously taken (i.e., conducting, instrumental techniques, music technology, etc.)
  • Core education courses
  • Upper-level music education methods courses
  • Student teaching courses

Following successful admission to the university, applicants begin their course work to complete prerequisites for admission to the Music Education/Teacher Education program. Once the prerequisites are complete, students then apply directly to the music education division for admission to the licensure program. Admission to the graduate program does not assure admission to the licensure program.

For students holding a Bachelor of Music or Master’s degree, and who do not need the instrumental techniques courses, the program typically requires 4 semesters, approximately 33 credit hours. For those students holding a Bachelor of Arts degree, the program typically requires 6 semesters totaling 37+ credit hours. Following assessment of background and proficiencies, the music education faculty will plan a program of study for each admitted student.

The Georgia State School of Music provides unparalleled opportunities to study and work among an inspiring community of musicians in one of America’s most vibrant urban centers. Students receive exceptional training, are provided with meaningful opportunities and begin serious careers no matter what type of music drives their passion. The goals and outcomes from a graduate degree include:

  • Ensuring comprehensive exposure to an array of perspectives as represented by the various faculty approaches to music performance, music history, music theory and teaching styles.
  • Honoring the continuing traditions of music making and pedagogy while exploring new forms and contemporary issues within the various musical fields.
  • Developing pedagogical skills and strategies through teaching assistantships for undergraduate-level courses.
  • Preparing students for a professional career in music through rigorous performance preparation, exposure to important repertoire and attention to practical business aspects of various musical careers.



The programs at the School of Music prepare students for competitive careers in performance, conducting, composition and music education.

Highlights include one-on-one lessons and mentorship with an internationally acclaimed faculty, 100% job placement in the field of music education, successful placement in prestigious doctoral programs, the opportunity to network with high-profile artists, scholars and businesses, practical experience from conferences to international music festival participation, artist residencies, as well as assistantships to develop practical skills and garner pedagogical experience.

The program leads students to career paths such as solo performance artists, composers, placement in prestigious professional classical, jazz and operatic ensembles, private, K-12, college music educators, scholars and entrepreneurs, among others.


Music Education Area Coordinator
Dr. Patrick Freer
[email protected]

Administrative Specialist, Graduate
[email protected]

School of Music
75 Poplar St, 5th floor
Atlanta, GA 30303

College of the Arts Logo35 Broad St., 4th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30303

The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.