What does it cost?

Check out our cost calculator or visit student financial services for information on estimated costs.

How long will it take?

Minimum of 54 semester hours

Where will I take classes?
Atlanta Campus

Application Deadlines View Admissions Requirements

  • Fall: Does Not Admit
  • Spring: Does Not Admit
  • Summer: March 1

Curriculum and Instruction, Ed.D.

The Georgia State University Ed.D. program in curriculum and instruction prepares master teachers to become instructional leaders and curriculum specialists who wish to develop expertise in advocacy for equity in teaching and learning, curriculum theory and development and pedagogical leadership.

Our Ed.D. program consists of a rigorous, collaborative, interdisciplinary program that promotes understanding the complex dynamics among theory, research and practice. Our graduates are empowered scholar-educators who advocate for social justice and educational equity at the classroom, school, district and state levels. Grounded in educational research, our interdisciplinary courses offer students the opportunity to conceptualize, theorize, dialogue, problem-pose, problem-solve, create and evaluate a wide range of educational theories, practices and policies related to curriculum and instruction.

Concentrations include art education, middle level, language and literacy education, mathematics education, foreign language education, music education, science education and social studies education.

Education programs leading to professional licensure or certification (nursing, education, social work, counseling, accounting, allied health professions, etc.) may require additional approval from separate licensing boards, depending on the state. Students who live or plan to live outside Georgia and are considering a professional program should contact the appropriate board in their state of residency prior to beginning a course of study. To help students find the best-known contact information for the appropriate state licensing board and for a list of Georgia State program contacts, visit the Student Consumer Information website.

Program Highlights
  • The program is a three-year, flexible cohort model
  • A school-based residency requirement is embedded in cohort courses and includes engagement in the professional community, such as conference presentations, professional development delivery and academic publications
  • Concentration courses may include study abroad options
  • The dissertation is conducted with the support of a faculty committee, cohort courses and colleagues 
  • Students holding a valid clear and renewable, Level 4 or higher Georgia Teaching, Service, Technical Specialist or Leadership certificate are eligible to add the curriculum and instruction certificate Service Level 7 upon completion of the program and completion of the Georgia state-approved content assessment
Ed.D. group at Spring 2018 commencement

Our Ed.D. graduates at Spring 2018 Graduate Commencement


Ed.D. State of Research gallery walk

Our Ed.D. students at the State of Research gallery walk

Program Details

Admissions Requirements

Select concentration in:

  • Art education
  • Middle Level education
  • Foreign language education
  • Language and literacy education
  • Mathematics education
  • Music education
  • Science education
  • Social studies education

When applying to the curriculum & Instruction, Ed.D. program, you will need to submit several documents for review.

  • Online application
  • Application Fee of $50
  • Goals statement (upload with the application)
  • Resume (upload with the application)
  • Two professional letters of reference (upload with the application)
  • Writing Sample (professional writing sample: may be print or electronic publication, previous course paper or thesis, professional blog series, etc.)
  • Must have at least one master’s or Ed.S. degree in education or closely related field (at least one degree must be in area of concentration or applicant must have substantial years teaching in area of concentration)
  • Must have three years teaching experience (students who plan to pursue the curriculum and instruction certification and certificate upgrades must have at least a T4 teaching certificate – upload teaching certificate to application)
  • Official Transcript(s): minimum 3.30 graduate GPA required for admission; submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended either electronically to [email protected] or by mailing directly to Georgia State University | Office of Graduate Admissions | P.O. Box 4018 Atlanta, GA 30302
  • GRE scores: institution code 5251; scores may not be more than five years old at time of application

Please Note

Interviews will be conducted by department faculty — you will be notified if you are selected for an interview (music education includes a demonstration of musical skill; art education includes portfolio).

Program of Study

Research Core (15 hours)

Required (12 hours):

EPRS 8500 Qualitative/Interpretive Research in Education I (3)
EPRS 8530 Quantitative Methods and Analysis in Education I (3)
EPRS 9900 Research Design (3)
EDCI 9900 Critique of Educational Research (3)
Choose one course (3 hours):

EPRS 8510 Qualitative Research in Education II (3)
EPRS 8540 Quantitative Methods and Analysis in Education II (3)
ECE 9380/EPRS 9380 Discourse Analysis (3)
Major in Curriculum and Instruction (30 hours)
Required (18 hours):

EDCI 8400 Complexities of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Design (3)
EDCI 8650 Curriculum and Instruction in Contemporary Urban Settings (3)
EDCI 8900 Educational Inquiry and Assessment in Educational Contexts (3)
EDCI 8970 Seminar in Teaching and Learning (3)
EDCI 8980 Seminar in Professional Learning and Development (3)
EDCI 9850 Research Seminar (3)
Concentrations (12 hours):
Students choose advanced content electives from 8000-9000 level courses in the following concentration areas:

Art Education (12 hours)
Select (12 hours):

AE 8000 Introduction to Research in Art Education (3)
AE 8010 Philosophy & Curriculum (3)
AE 8020 Learning Theory (3)
AE 8030 Leader Supervision In Art Education (30
AE 8050 Computer Imaging & Instructional Technology (3)
AE 8060 Project in Art Education (3)
AE 8100 Seminar in Art Education (3)
AE 8200 History, Culture, & Communication In Art Education (3)
AE 8300 Research in Art Education (30
AE 8400 Aesthetics and Critical Theory (3)
AE 8500 Directed Study (3)
AE 8980 Special Problems (3)
Additional courses may be selected with the consent of the advisor.

Foreign Language Education (12 hours)
Required (6 hours):

FORL 8223 Modern Foreign Language Pedagogy: Theory and Practice (3)
FORL 8227 Teaching Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom (3)
Select (6 hours):

FORL 8226 Teaching Literature in the Foreign Language Classroom (3)
FORL 8250 Topics in Pedagogy (3)
FORL 8800 Research in Foreign or Second Language Education (3)
Additional courses may be selected with the consent of the advisor.
Language and Literacy Education (12 hours)
Required (6 hours):

EDRD 8310 Theoretical Models and Processes of Literacy Learning (6) (repeatable)
Select (6 hours):

ECE 9420 Early Literacy Learning (3)
EDLA 8330 Language Variation and Learning (3)
EDRD 8550 Trends and Issues in Language and Literacy Education (3)
EDRD 8610 Professional Learning and Leadership of Literacy (3)
Additional courses may be selected with the consent of the advisor.
Mathematics Education (12 hours) **
Required (3 hours):

EDMT 8430 Sociocultural and Sociohistorical Issues of Mathematics Education (3)
Select three (9 hours):

ECE 9393 Number and Operation in the Elementary Classroom (3)
ECE 9394 Geometry and Measurement in the Elementary Classroom (3)
ECE 9395 Rational Numbers and Algebra in the Elementary Classroom (3)
ECE 9396 Data Analysis and Probability in the Elementary Classroom (3)
EDMT 8290 Study of Learning and Instruction in Mathematics (3)
EDMT 8420 Topics in the School Mathematics Curriculum (3)
EDMT 8550 Trends and Issues of Teaching Mathematics (3)
EDMT 9870 Advanced Research Seminar in Mathematics Education (3)
Additional courses may be selected with the consent of the advisor.

Music Education (12 hours)
Required (12 hours):

MUS 8260 Curriculum and Assessment in Music Education (3)
MUS 8900 Non-Thesis Research in Music Education (3)
MUS 8960 Proseminar in Music Education (3) (repeatable)
Additional courses may be selected with the consent of the advisor.
Science Education (12 hours)
Choose from the following courses*:

EDSC 8430 Nature of Science (3)
EDSC 9870 Advanced Research Seminar in Science Education (3) (repeatable)
*Additional courses may be selected with the consent of the advisor.
Social Studies Education (12 hours)
Choose from the following repeatable courses*:

EDSS 8290 Learning, Curriculum, and Instruction in Social Studies (3) (repeatable)
EDSS 8420 Topics in the School Social Studies Curriculum (3) (repeatable)
EDSS 8550 Trends and Issues of Teaching Social Studies (3) (repeatable)
*Additional courses may be selected with the consent of the advisor.
Dissertation (9 hours)
EDCI 9990 Dissertation (9 hours)

Program Total: Minimum of 54 semester hours

For complete degree requirements, visit the catalog.

Funding Your Graduate Education

Cost of attendance and funding opportunities are integral to your decision to attend graduate school. Georgia State University is proud to offer a variety of funding opportunities, including assistantships and fellowships.

Awards and Assistantships

Various awards, assistantships and fellowships are available to new and current graduate students. We encourage you to contact your department, college, school or institute of interest to get more information about the assistantships and fellowships that they offer their students.

The Scholarship Resource Center offers guidance and support to students seeking financial assistance through scholarship opportunities, including this scholarship library.


The Office of Graduate Programs’ Fellowship Advisor works with students interested in applying for nationally prestigious and competitive fellowships. The Office of Graduate Programs also coordinates the application process for students applying to the Second Century Initiative, the Provost’s Dissertation Fellowship and the Dissertation Library Travel Awards.

Cost Calculator

Our calculator can help you get an idea of the costs associated with attending the university.

Goals and Outcomes

Grounded in principles of social justice, this program emphasizes innovation, diversity and advocacy in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade settings.

Committed to our metropolitan community while simultaneously extending our influence nationally and globally, we focus on excelling in three areas:

  1. Conducting leading research on culture, learning and human development
  2. Preparing high-quality education and human development professionals in critical need areas
  3. Serving the community

Knowledge of urban education. Students will demonstrate advanced knowledge of urban education to promote social justice and educational equity at the classroom, school, district and state levels.

Knowledge of curriculum. Students will demonstrate advanced ability to design, implement and evaluate curriculum that promotes student learning.

Knowledge of instruction. Students will demonstrate advanced ability to plan, implement and evaluate instruction to student learning.

Knowledge of content. Students will demonstrate advanced depth and breadth of knowledge and skills in their academic discipline and pedagogy.

Knowledge of students. Students will demonstrate advanced knowledge of the student as influenced by cognitive, physical, emotional, social, cultural, environmental and economic factors.

Knowledge of research. Students will demonstrate the ability to use research to promote student learning and to contribute to the teaching profession.

Knowledge of assessment. Students will demonstrate advanced knowledge of assessment and the ability to use multiple sources of assessment for maximizing student learning.

Professional practices. Students will demonstrate high standards for professional practice, including the ability to work productively with colleagues and other adults and demonstrate teacher supervisory and coaching skills.

Student Resources



This degree is designed for curriculum and instructional leaders who continue to teach in kindergarten through 12th grade classrooms or may hold future roles in schools such as assistant principals, classroom teachers, coaches, curriculum developers, department chairs, principals, subject/content area coordinators at the school or county level and clinical faculty.

Graduates from this degree program may be employed by public and private schools, school systems and other educational entities in the metro-Atlanta area, the state of Georgia and in national and international schools and education organizations.


Program Coordinator
Caroline C. Sullivan, Ph.D.
[email protected]


Mailing Address and Office Location
College of Education & Human Development
Department of Middle and Secondary Education (6th floor)
30 Pryor St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

College of Education Logo30 Pryor Street SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.