Explore Our Programs
The School of Music offers undergraduate degrees in six concentrations and graduate degrees in thirteen concentrations, including Artist Certificates. We also offer two Doctoral Degree programs and a non-degree teaching licensure degree. Whether you wish to be a professional musician, public school music teacher, composer, sound recorder, or music management professional, the School of Music can provide world-class training for you.
Arts Administration, B.I.S.
College/School: College of the Arts
Locations: Atlanta Campus
Interest Area: Arts Administration
Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Composition, B.Mu.
College/School: College of the Arts
Locations: Atlanta Campus
Interest Area: Composition, Teaching
Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Jazz Studies, B.Mu.
College/School: College of the Arts
Locations: Atlanta Campus
Interest Area: Jazz Performance, Arranger, Composer, Music Performance, Teaching
Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Music Education, B.Mu.
College/School: College of the Arts
Locations: Atlanta Campus
Interest Area: Music Education
Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Music Performance, B.Mu.
College/School: College of the Arts
Locations: Atlanta Campus
Interest Area: Music Performance
Bachelor of Science, Concentration in Music Production & Audio Recording, B.S.
College/School: College of the Arts
Locations: Atlanta Campus
Interest Area: Music Management and Technology
Music Industry/Management, B.S.
College/School: College of the Arts
Locations: Atlanta Campus
Interest Area: Music Management and Technology
Music, Dual B.Mu./M.Mu. Program
College/School: College of the Arts
Interest Area: Composition, Conducting (Choral, Orchestral, Wind Band), Jazz Performance, Arranger, Composer, Music Performance