Large Ensemble Placement
(required of all music majors, B.M. and B.S. The ensemble placement instructions are based on your primary instrument. There are additional instructions for Jazz Studies students.)
Classical Strings
- register for University Orchestra, MUS 1070 (CRN 80275)
- audition for seat placement on Monday 8/22 in Standard Building rm. 502
- sign-up sheet posted the previous week on the door of Standard 502
- prepare 3 contrasting excerpts, each approx. 32 bars long
Voice, Piano, Guitar
- audition for placement in one of 3 choirs Fri-Wed 8/19-24.
- Piano and guitar instrumentalists must still audition for a choir (or applicable large ensemble).
- sign up online: (additional information at linked site)
Winds, Brass, Percussion
- audition will be done by video submission. You will be contacted by Dr. Robert Ambrose in early July with details.
- email Dr. Robert Ambrose, [email protected] , for specifics
- audition for a Combo (small ensemble) and Jazz Band on Monday 8/22 in Rialto basement rm 002 and/or rm 005
- sign-up sheet posted on the Jazz bulletin board outside Rialto 005 the week before
- prepare 2 contrasting jazz standards and 1 12-bar blues, major scales, and a sight-reading excerpt