Josias Muñiz
Hey! I’m Josias Muñiz and I’ll be one of your drum majors for the 2023-24 season!!!! It’s my first time being drum major, and I can’t wait to get to know everyone. I’m a music performance major with a concentration in orchestral trombone, and I can’t imagine doing anything else. One of my goals is to inspire as many people as possible to live their lives through music the way I do. My favorite color is orange, I love to sing and playing volleyball. Panther band really makes me feel at home. They always say it, but I’ve met my closest friends here even in my short time as a member. I’m sure you’ll find yours too. I hope I can be a great example for everyone in Panther Band and the community around us. I’m pretty friendly, so if you see me around come say hi!!!! Can’t wait to see what’s in our future. GO THERS